21 Ιουν 2011

Who’s The AIG In This Financial Greek Tragedy?

Westerly view of AIG Tower, Ritz Carlton on th...

The 2008 crisis brought AIG to its knees. Opaque CDS markets mean we don't know who's in the same position on Greek debt. 
Image via Wikipedia
As reported in the June 11 New York Times article “Deutsche Bank’s Chief Casts Long Shadow in Europe.” Deutsche Bank (DB) CEO Ackermann has more power to defend bankers from the onslaught of financial regulators and tax authorities than American bank CEOs Dimon and Blankfein.
The EU is in the grips of a major financial crisis with out-of-control PIIGS debt and deficits, especially with Greece at the moment.....
Will there be further taxpayer bailouts funded through the EU and IMF? Will investors have to chip in with debt restructuring or even bond defaults? Once again, banks’ structured products — including derivatives — are in the middle of this convoluted mess, just as they were in the 2008 crisis. Just when we need all the facts to make the right paramount decisions, we again are stuck with only half the facts. Banks are hiding their private derivative skeletons in the closet.
The CFTC announced on June 14 it is going to miss its July 16 Dodd-Frank Fin Reg deadline to publish detailed rules for exchange clearing of many types of derivatives. The CFTC temporarily provides a broad exemption for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives trading so the market can continue to operate as usual until regulators complete the new rules. Dodd-Frank has new requirements to use clearinghouses to guarantee derivatives trades and to improve transparency in the secretive market. The CFTC said it expects to publish these rules no later than six months from the missed deadline. The EU’s version of similar rules for clearing OTC derivatives on exchanges is also delayed.
Credit default swaps (CDSs) are one type of derivative contract, and regulators in the US and EU put them on a faster track to exchange clearing. That was good news. Regulators determined that off-exchange CDSs were the main culprit in the 2008 financial crisis. As Bear Stearns faced insolvency, speculators piled on short bets by purchasing CDS protection against Bear Stearns failing. The CDS sellers took on more risk than they were capitalized to cover under meltdown conditions. AIG Financial Products was a major seller of housing market CDS protection and the Bush administration determined that AIG required taxpayer bailout funds to honor their CDS contracts; otherwise they felt the entire financial system might collapse under contagion. The lesson learned was to clear CDSs on exchanges to ensure settlement with proper capitalization.
The important benefit of exchange clearing is a clearing house acts as the central counterparty to both sides of a CDS transaction, thereby reducing risk on both sides of the transaction. To learn more about CDS and initiatives to bring derivatives on-exchanges with clearing houses, see the ” Wikipedia page on CDS.”
As we face the Greek debt crisis and PIIGS crisis overall, it’s more comforting to know that most CDS are being cleared on InterContinental Exchange (ICE) US and Europe and other exchanges too. My remaining concern is whether or not these new derivative exchanges and clearing functions will operate as designed, especially under meltdown conditions. Are all older CDS contracts being cleared on these derivative exchanges? Which new CDS contracts are not cleared on these exchanges? ICE and other derivative exchanges and clearing houses are in start-up mode so this is still a work in progress.
According to CDS Wikipedia page, “members of the ICE derivatives clearinghouse have to have a net worth of at least $5 billion and a credit rating of A or better to clear their CDS trades. Hedge funds, banks or other institutions are open to become members of the clearinghouse as long as they meet these requirements.” There are also requirements to use standardized CDS contracts and most CDSs have margin requirements too. One concern is that banks may have their thin capital layers impaired quickly in meltdown conditions.
For an update on CDS clearing initiatives see this Summary of CDS clearing initiatives.
Why are many derivative market participants still objecting to exchange clearing of the remaining OTC derivative contracts? Probably because they prefer the secrecy, pricing power, less regulation and oversight afforded by being off exchange.
Many Republicans in Congress want to repeal the Dodd-Frank Fin Reg bill lock, stock and barrel. In my view, it’s a good idea to keep the provisions for clearing most types of derivative contracts on exchanges, to reduce counterparty risk, which reduces contagion risk. Having side derivative bets cleared and available in a few exchanges for regulators to assess seems prudent. Banks may prefer less oversight, more leverage and the ability to slice and dice these risks into structured products of all sorts. Systemic risk and protecting against contagion seems like a more important priority than banks’ desires to make profits off exchange.
Deutsche Bank (DB) just issued an analyst report claiming new forex exchange clearing will raise costs materially for customers, implying exchange clearing isn’t a good idea. In anticipation of the new regulations, DB set up a new derivative exchange-clearing unit called Markets Clearing for listed and over-the-counter derivatives for interest rates, foreign exchange, credit, commodities and equities contracts. DB may be reorganizing, but they are still keeping the derivatives cards too close to their vest.
Who is most at risk under the stressful market conditions of the current Greek and PIIGS debt crisis? Knowing this may influence the decision about whether the EU and IMF should require Greek bond holders to share in the pain with some form of debt restructuring, re-profiling or default. Should it further stress EU and IMF-country taxpayers putting up bailout funds and force Greek citizens to endure more austerity measures? This is the very reason we want derivatives to come out of the closet, so we can assess systemic risk carefully when we need to most.
Officials seem very afraid of a Lehman-style contagion event, and they want to avoid a crash. Perhaps what they know about CDSs and derivatives is troubling, or they are concerned about what they don’t know. DB’s Ackermann is insisting on no restructuring events either, whereas politicians in Germany are insisting on investors participating with some form of debt restructuring.
CDSs were sold as a protection policy to bond holders just for this type of scenario, yet officials may not be fully confident in that CDS protection holding up. Every day, we read reports of escalating credit spreads on Greek sovereign debt, and CDS prices rising dramatically on exchanges. Who is selling the most CDS protection on PIIGS sovereign debt, and are they sufficiently capitalized for current market risk conditions?
CDS represents less than 10 percent of the entire $600 trillion derivatives marketplace, so 90 percent is still off exchange and out of the direct view of regulators. Investment bankers have sold tremendous amounts of complex structured products financially engineered with off exchange derivatives, and we just don’t know how these brainchild transactions will perform in the next crisis.
Ackermann and other EU bank CEOs are playing a leading role in the decision making process for the Greek and other PIIGS debt crisis. Can we trust DB, Societe General and other banks to act in our collective best interests? We learned in our American financial crisis that Goldman Sachs had a secretive “big short” on housing — mostly from buying off exchange CDS contracts sold by AIG-FP— and some allege it made the crisis worse so it could profit from the crash and those contracts. See my recent blog on Goldman.
The U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs’ report on the financial crisis accused DB of the same shenanigans as Goldman, who got most of the press in the U.S. on this catastrophe. DB also aggressively sold known junk CDOs, while putting on a big short trade in off-exchange CDSs through AIG-FP. Is DB the Goldman of the EU? Has DB also sold on- and off-exchange CDSs on Greek debt and is it against the restructuring to protect itself from having to pay out on the CDS contracts? We just don’t know, yet we should.
Although, we may see some CDS contracts on derivatives exchanges, we still don’t see the entire derivatives risk picture. Banks have many ways to hedge their risk on on-exchange CDSs with off-exchange derivatives and we don’t know who is fully hedged and who is not. In the last financial crisis, AIG-FP was not hedged on its big bet to sell off-exchange CDS protection. If Congress knew what Goldman had done before the bailouts, would it have bailed out AIG and allowed AIG to pay Goldman and DB 100 cents on the dollar for their off-exchange CDS contracts (around $12 billion each)? Let’s find out what DB and other leading EU banks are doing before it’s too late. Shouldn’t exchanges and clearing houses be the first line of defense for settlement of derivatives, before considering government and GSE bailouts, often paid for by taxpayers?
DB, Societe Generale and BNP Paribas clearly own significant amounts of PIIGS debt and seem to be at risk with a restructuring or default, in addition to risks of potential wider contagion. Wednesday, Moody’s said it will review its credit rating on SocGen and BNP based on escalating concerns over the Greek debt issues.
Have the European banks purchased lots of CDS protection and other hedges on their bond positions? The answer is probably yes. Have they sold even more CDS protection and other hedges to others just as AIG-FP did? Without further disclosure from these banks, Ackermann and other CEOs may be in a material conflict of interest if their companies sold CDSs; perhaps they should recuse themselves from Greek bailout vs. restructuring discussions.
As the NYT article points out, DB made the lion’s share of its profits from its investment banking division headquartered in London. Derivatives and structured products are generally housed in investment banking divisions. Several Internet search results show DB brochures, reports and other information indicating DB actively sells CDSs and other derivative contracts. In fact, DB lost a case in Germany for inappropriately selling swap contracts to German small businesses. Most of the major banks have significant structured product and derivative desks too. The American banks are very involved in the EU derivatives market too and this risk is truly globally constructed.
The EU and IMF face a great dilemma in the Greek debt crisis. If the bonds are restructured — which the ECB is desperate to avoid — it could block IMF bailouts and trigger CDS payouts. The ECB and others fear CDS strains on the system could lead to a Lehman-type meltdown. But the politicians are demanding investors chip in with restructuring, so the bailout won’t fall entirely on the taxpayers.
These CDS contracts might be triggered for payouts soon and hopefully the new exchange-clearing operations will protect CDS buyers from counterparty failure. Banks have the money and they made a fortune off the bailouts, low interest rates and quantitative easing so hopefully they can honor the CDS contracts they sold.
For more commentary on derivatives, see Don’t Let Banks Weasel Out Of Derivatives Reform. That blog discusses JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s recent complaints about Dodd-Frank Fin Reg and regulators going too far with financial reform, increases in capital requirements and new regulations. JPMorgan had the largest share of the private derivatives market in one recent year’s report and it is one of the first major banks to deal in derivatives.
Bottom line
Banks are making a fortune from dealing in on-exchange CDS and off-exchange OTC derivatives. They continue to seek a delay in new regulations and scrutiny and many are taking on more risk than is warranted and known. Maybe regulators went too far with Dodd-Frank Fin Reg, but in my view exchange clearing of most derivatives is definitely warranted. For the sake of our financial system, we need to put systemic risk ahead of the profit interests of banks.
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